CoronaVirus The Gift to our New World

Yes it is our greatest opportunity to step into a new way of being and yet we can’t see it or utilize it when we are caught up in and operating from fear.  We are here to Expand, not contract and now is the time to RISE together in Love.  I was given specific direction to really go deep into all aspects of this and is why we chose to release this training and direct channel of guidance here that it could be shared with all. 

To support you in this time as much as possible, we are also giving you FREE Access to “Living in 100% Joy Right Now,” A special training to assist you in aligning to a higher frequency always, no matter the circumstance.  Soon, we’ll also be sharing the “Daily Manifestation Rituals” Video to support you in creating your environment of manifestation, and a channeled Activation to upgrade your physical body system as well as embody new codes of a higher vibrations of love to support you and all of us in our evolution. 

We’ll be getting these out as soon as possible.  For now, you can access the “Living in 100% Joy Right Now” at .  We do require your opt in and agreement for us to be able to send it to you, so please do so if you want to receive.  Along with this, for right now you can apply the code peacenow50 for 50% off all coaching programs and products on the Marci Lock Site to be able to support you in your own healing, of whatever is coming up now as apart of your process and we want you to have access to whatever specific areas of support are best for you.

Give yourself the gift of diving in here as to why “this” is really here, beyond the illusion and how we can immerge even greater then we entered into this experience.  I’ll be bringing light on many aspects, questions, fears people are having and giving specific direction of utilizing tools to move through this with the greatest excitement, joy, ease and grace that we can quickly heal our own lives and the planet. 

The More we SHARE and step into the remembrance of our own Sovereignty, and allow these energies of victimhood, powerlessness, control, fear and any others that aren’t serving us, the faster we awaken together to the level of consciousness that is at hand.  Take the show in sections or strides if required, yet we highly recommend to go through the entire thing to get support in all aspects.  We Love you and want you to know that you are always safe, supported, held and loved, and it’s simply time to RISE into and receive even more of it.

For even more support in creating and living your Best Life, visit to access the FREE gift activation, The Ultimate Life of Having It All”, as well as coaching programs, meditations, activations and experiences to support you in creating the life you desire, including The Best Life Tribe, where you can access all the trainings, tools and support to get the results you are seeking. Follow Marci Lock for daily inspiration on Facebook or connect on Instagram @MarciLockMentor.

You can also get access to Marci’s new book, "The Awakened Being, Living in Liberation, Abundance & Bliss Right Now" at the along with all the extra bonus gifts it comes with. 

You are absolutely worthy of living life in Liberation, Abundance and Bliss Right Now!

The Power of Choice is Yours, Choose Your Best Life.