Aligned to Manifest
12 Month Divine Life Mastery Portal & Coaching Program
for living your Greatest Life
Enter a 12-Month Portal to Your Liberation
With a combination of Embodiment Practices,
Alchemical Tools, Breakthrough Coaching Calls,
and Community Support. . .
The Aligned to Manifest program will help you
Quantum Leap into your Ultimate Life of Having It All
Flexible payment plans with monthly instalments
You know you are here in life to...
✧ Live life from your greatest joy, highest excitement, and ultimate pleasure & play
✧ Serve your community through sharing your unique gifts
✧ Receive and recirculate New Earth Abundance
The Reality most of us are experiencing is…
➵ A world of collective 3D programming which is why most stay stuck and stagnant in limitation, struggle, and sacrifice as their norm.
➵ Where we’ve been taught to live and create based on the way we’re told things “should” or “have to” look. These limited stories, beliefs, and programs keep us operating from a scared/smaller self in a culture of limitations, comparisons, settling, and tolerating.
➵ We live in an earth-plane where we have been programmed from lack and scarcity, taught poverty consciousness from a young age, and trained to look for what we don’t have instead of appreciate what we do.
➵ We’ve settled for empty bank accounts and a laundry list of “someday” dreams instead of being able to see and experience the infinite supply of abundance and magic everywhere that allows us to live in a fulfilled state of bliss everyday and in everything with ease.
➵ And we know there’s MORE, yet it can feel lonely, scary, & uncertain with a world of doubts to step off the common collective 3D path of limitations as you open up to remember all you are, are capable of and what you are truly here to fully experience.
Welcome to Aligned to Manifest!
A Portal of Liberation, Mastermind & Community playground for the Embodiment of your Highest Self as an Integrated Soul,
That is here to experience ALL that is available to you
As a New Human of the New Earth.
You’ll receive all the tools and tune-ups required to create these types of results in your life.
Through this 12-month sacred portal you will:
Become a master of your own vibration and energy so you can effortlessly embody all that you desire
Activate your Source Divinity consciousness codes and create the reality you really want
Learn the alchemical tools, integration & embodiment to continually transmute your suffering into liberation
Inner-stand how to work in congruence with Universal Truths so you can manifest your dreams with more ease, grace & flow.
We will…
mental debris, outdated programming, and stuck energy
your highest joy, ultimate sovereignty, and greatest impact
your DNA, your unique gifts & light, and your passion & purpose
So you can take your power back and co-create a life far vaster
than your human mind imagined possible
We’ll do this all through Embodiment and Integration of Higher Frequencies & ways of Consciousness, Divine Rituals & Sacred Teachings, Channeled Transmissions, Transformational Coaching, Emotional Expression & Cleansing, Activations & Connection processes, Encoding and Timeline Hopping, along with all the Tools to Alchemize, Energetically Align, Encode, Manifest, and Integrate continually into greater and greater ways of being and RECEIVING.
And... so, so, so much more.
Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?
You are worthy of transforming every area of your life!
Your Aligned to Manifest Modules
Alchemical Mastery - Freedom activations, emotional alchemy, inner child healing, and vision mastery to create the life you want
Source - God - Divinity Consciousness - Awakening & Operating through Divinity, Laws of Remembrance, Releasing your Unconscious Commitments to embrace your ultimate sovereignty and creativity.
The Sacred Art of Alignment - Re-Coding & upgrading your Environment & Reality, Daily Manifestation Rituals, Empowerment Focus, Morning Alignment Activation, Night Time Etheric Coding, Activations, Embodiment Tools & Rituals to master your vibration.
Breath, Play, & Movement - Breath Practices & Activations to Transform, Light Body Flexibility Trainings to open your energy channels, intuition & expand your capacity.
Ascension & Receiving - Conscious Language to Expansion, Ascension upgrades, Receiving Effect & micro alignments to continually expand to receive from the overflow of life.
Inner Parts Training -Discovering & healing all inner parts & aspects of the self to transform them into your greatest strengths.
The Sacred Art of Attunement -The Laws of Frequency & Attunement to live a high vibe life, becoming an energy jedi, Manifestation tools to a new reality.
8. Body Consciousness & The Rainbow Body - Clearings, teachings on epigenetics & inherited trauma, body awareness tools, and relationship with food upgrades to harmonize your physical and higher bodies.
9. The Light Body Health Hacks - Health hacks, detoxifying protocols, and light body codes to support you in embodying eternal youth, endless vitality, and divine beauty.
10. Knowing Thyself Expansion into Divinity - Identity releasing teachings, Highest Self activations, devotional practices, manifestation techniques, and remembrance of your divinity to help you remember who you really are.
11. Full Expression Activation - Sound alchemy, voice activation, and multidimensionality remembrance to become the boldest, biggest, and most empowered you.
12. New Earth Abundance - Lack mentality deprogramming, abundance creation, money consciousness upgrades, infinite prosperity teachings, and manifestation rituals to embody New Earth Abundance now.
13. Aligned Relationship Expansion - Relationships as sacred mirror reflections, the relationship with the self & divine, feminine & masculine harmonization, sacred union teachings, neutrality to Heal and Forgive relationships and experiences, transitioning, compatibility and conscious communication strategies and more to magnetize soul mate relationships into your reality.
14. Sacred Sensuality Portal of Love- Pleasure codes, sensual exploration, kundalini awakening, sex magic rituals, kama yama sex mastery teachings, womb activations and healing to allow you to master your life force, creativity, and sacred sexuality as a fully free, embodied divine being.
15. Divine Feminine Codes - Divine Feminine flow teachings, empowered sovereignty activations, the Codes of Isis, open heart manifestation practices, and priestess/priest activations, to remember how to live a magically liberated life of service and yumminess entirely guided by Spirit.
15. Enlightened Embodied Leadership - Practices to work with your spiritual team, self-mastery and genius activations, new paradigm sales teachings, sacred boundary setting, team dynamics, and embodiment practices to become a living breathing empire standing within your highest light, greatest joy, and uttermost devotion.
16. Golden Age Alchemy & Rituals -Multidimensionality embracing practices, creative expression from your highest frequency of light, remembrance of your true nature, alchemical tools to continually transmute your reality into your greatest gift, & the subtle attunement practices to continually expand.
17. Divinity Keys - Access a full course on understanding your own design, Gene Keys profile and pathways you were born with to expand into your greatest gifts and reality.
18. Peace for the Planet
7 Days of Light Code Activations
7 Light Code Activations, Q&A Sessions, Peace as a Priority Teachings, Inner Peace Practices, clearing techniques, attunements practices, and channeled galactic encoding rituals to raise the frequency of your whole self and create planetary healing and liberation.
These activations were channeled Live by SunDari as an assignment from the Sirian High Council, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Galactic Federation, the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters to cleanse the system and re-code and activate the DNA to higher frequencies to operate as New Humans of the New Earth.
Each of these were guided to take you through layers of frequency upgrades and include a deep Cleansing to Heal, Recalibration to Divinity, Integration to Expand, Alignment to Highest Self Consciousness, Integration to Receive, Recalibration to the New Earth Abundance, and Coding into Divinity.
Enjoy these activations and Q&A sessions to clear, deprogram, and decode your reality in order to make space for what it is you truly want to manifest. Align your energy with the new reality. Become a New Human working with the highest frequencies of light currently available to this planet.
This experience was and is transformational to go through and you can continue to reutilize these specific activations to upgrade your frequency and life.
Words about the Peace for the Planet Activations:
You’ll leave this program a new version of you - bolder, brighter, lighter, more grounded, and more realized.
And so much more will continually be added into the libraries for you to Access...
Are you ready for this juicy New Human activation of your remembrance?
In the program, SunDari will coach you through 18+ Breakdown to Breakthrough calls. These are her world-renowned deep-dive, transformational support calls. These calls regularly go from 3-5 hours, and you’ll leave feeling elevated and inspired to take the next action steps to create the life you’ve imagined.
She’ll masterfully guide you and the rest of the Aligned to Manifest soul tribe to discover the things you need to see in order to create the shifts you want in your life. She’ll help you get clear on your unconscious commitments, recalibrate to what you really want, and know what you need to do to take the next inch towards having it.
She’ll intuitively guide you through the perfect processes, clearing techniques, embodiment methods, and more to align to all that you desire. You’ll be met in a safe space to share your most vulnerable truths, daunting dreams, and vivacious victories. Everything is safe here, Beloved. Let’s breakdown to breakthrough together.
Some Words from
Breakdown to Breakthrough Clients:
Madeleine Hardus
Thank you Marci Lock, Fallon Jaye, Crystal Michelle and Rebecca Enders so much for call 5, it was amazing, you're all so beautiful! So many take aways!! Some of them are: practise getting excited/wonderment for the unknown. Valuing what I bring in. What is your relation to time? There's time and abundance for everything we get to do. Your life is your purpose. Appreciation is the key to where you wanna go and be.
Rebeccca Enders
Hello loves! Thank you all for allowing me to be seen, heard, supported, and guided from my breakdown to a breakthrough with magical Marci Lock! I wanted to share that since the session, I have been experiencing so much insight, expansion, open hearted communication, deep healing, clearing, harmony, and transformation in my relationship with my husband. I haven't even had a chance to listen to the recording so I know it is only going to get better and better as I implement and embody all of the incredible wisdom! I am also so grateful to myself, for stepping out of my comfort zone and choosing to be vulnerable and supported in such a public way. I appreciate all of you and your beautiful light and this powerful and purposeful container we have created. What a gift!!
Daniel Hosher
Just finished up the second half of the Open Mic... Awesomeness!
I'm receiving fully that life really does get to be pleasure, play, freedom, adventure, abundance, and that my frequency... and the actions that flow from that frequency are what's creating my reality.
How I don't have to settle for a "less than" experience, as long as I'm willing to take responsibility for what I'm creating, and take the corresponding actions to receive and create what I want... and there's no cap on what I can create!
I'm noticing how I've been so fixed on mastering the HOW of creating what I want, and that there's actually a lot of ways to create what I want, and the biggest determining factors are....
my impeccable integrity
my mastery of communication
knowing my worthiness
trusting that every "negative experience" is truly temporary and each holds a code to my greater remembrance and personal power.
acting with certainty that I'm creating greater and greater
I'm seeing now:
It's almost as if I put some major restrictions on myself to see if I could muster the effort to "succeed from the bottom" just like "everyone else"... and in doing so I received some major codes of self-reliance, resourcefulness, resilience, ingenuity, commitment, self-confidence and sovereignty...
And at the same time, I have all of this support! And things get to be easy and fun!
So bringing this higher personal standard and self mastery into alignment with recognizing/receiving the sheer abundance, support, and awesomeness that's always been here.
Nicholle Caldwell
Happy Day!
I'm celebrating me! I am so fucking proud of myself!
I am doing it! Kicking ass! I've been tracking with LLF sheet for a month today!
The biggest awareness I had was I would do everything except check-in here.
It was very interesting.
Even though I wasn't checking in here I decided to stretch myself daily.
An example has been wearing the bold amazing outfits that I feel like a Goddess in instead of the safe comfortable one that allows me to blend in & not be seen.
I've upped myself care practice to a whole new level & the Universe has met me with so much abundance & luxury. Its incredible.
I'm experiencing a whole new level of flow.
I really feel like I've quantum leaped in just the month I've been in here.
I'm giving myself permission to shine my light so fucking bright and thrive from my zone of genius.
Today, I launched a girls empowerment group program & some old stuff showed up & I was able to move through & clear it so quickly.
I feel the momentum in truly making a massive impact with women & children through circle programs and growing my business & making this a 7 figure year.
Everything is coming together quite effortlessly.
I'm doing less which I've heard about for awhile but its now clicking & I'm being & honoring me.
Thank you so much for this safe space.
I appreciate it💚
Murray Whittcombe
All in perfect Devine Timing... Module 6: The Law of Integrity. Thank You Marci Lock... I soooo needed to hear this today!! Just so many Golden Nuggets as always!! Floating in a constant state of Bliss!! Much Love to you ALL!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
What’s Included:
➵ 12 Months Support with SunDari (Value = $50,000+)
➵ 18+ Breakdown to Breakthrough Coaching Calls (Value = $20, 000+)
➵ Unlimited Private Facebook Community Support (Value = $997)
➵ 33+ Activating Audio Trainings (Value = $3,333)
➵ 20+ Enlightening Video Trainings (Value = $2,222)
➵ 24 Body Breakthrough Workout Videos (Value = $144)
➵ 40+ Awakening Discovery Assignments (Value = $4,444)
➵ 20+ Epic Activation Practices (Value = $7,777)
➵ 13+ Potent Guided Meditations (Value = $611)
➵ 8+ Soul Ally Expert Interviews (Value = $888)
And... so, so, so much more.
Immediately upon sign-up you’ll gain access to our:
➵ Releasing Your Unconscious Commitments Training to start bringing awareness to the unconscious programs operating within your system that are programming the reality you’re living in (Value= $97)
➵ Freedom Activators Audio Series & Coachings to teach you SunDari’s Signature “5 Steps to Freedom.” This is the process that allowed her to create her Ultimate Life of Having It All from being a $2/hr waitress. It will help you go from unconscious creator, to conscious, and it will help you create more freedom and pleasure for yourself in every present moment (Value = $97)
➵ Lock Last Freedom Formula & Life Long Results Program to create change in every area of your life now (Value = $88)
➵ Daily Manifestation Rituals Video Training to take the power back over your reality and to program greatness and bliss into it every day (Value = $97)
➵ 24 Body Break Through Marci Lock Workout Videos to align your body to receive greater and greater (Value = $144)
➵ Breathwork & Flow Training to create space, freedom, and flow in your vessel to expand into all that you desire (Value = $222)
➵ 7 of SunDari’s Signature Meditations to activate every area of your life with magic and miracles (Value = $177)
➵ The Conscious Language to Have It All Coaching Series to give you the tools you need to encode your reality with your deepest desires (Value = $177)
➵ Peace for the Planet Light Code Activation Series to encode your cellular structure with the highest light codes available to us from Galactic Support (Value = $2,444)
➵ Inner Child Healing & Time Line Hop Activation to restore your history to perfection and Quantum Leap into your dream future now (Value $177)
➵ “As I Wake Today” Meditation and Activation Tool to align yourself first thing in the morning and create an empowered, successful day (Value = $177)
➵ Highest Self Activation - Receive God Essence Codes to operate fully connected from your Sovereign Self as the cosmic creator you came here to be (Value = $147)
➵ 8 Chakra Activation - so you can clear, cleanse, open, and expand into all that you came here to be (Value = $147)
We believe in...
As Aligned to Manifest start date approaches and continues, SunDari is always adding more of the next level codes and transmissions she is being guided to share which allows the library to continually be growing for you to access more. You’ll continue to see new access to rituals, channeled transmissions, expanded content to the modules, more guest speakers, guided meditations and so much more.
We’ve only communicated the MINIMUM of what you’ll receive, and there’s a lot more yumminess than that awaiting your arrival, Beloved!
The combined value of this experience is well over $125,000. The upgrades you’ll receive are enough to take you from where you are to way beyond where you thought you could go.
And the best part? We’re making it SO SO SO SO SIGNIFICANTLY more accessible than that.
We want anyone fully committed to their growth, evolution, and sacred devotional service to be able to join.
➵ Teachers
➵ Coaches
➵ Mentors
➵ Healers
➵ Guides
➵ Mothers
➵ Fathers
➵ Light Workers
➵ Energy Alchemists
➵ Medicine Carriers
➵ Shaman-istas, priest-esses,
brotherhood of the Magi
➵ Brothers & Sisters of
➵ The New Earth Humans
This program will be delivered at a level of investment that makes it accessible to all of you, Beloveds.
SunDari has been called to serve the masses.
Will you follow your sacred knowing?
Will you trust your inner yes?
This is for you if...
You are HERE to live in the Remembrance of ALL you are,
The Infinite Supply of Bliss, Abundance, Magic, Play & Light!!!
If this is in your hearts desire, then we invite you here and now
into this sacred Portal & Mastermind of Transformational Change
to receive these codes, and to fully guide yourself
and others towards ultimate liberation.
It’s time to LAUGH our ASSES OFF at how simple and easy this can be,
how much Joy, Bliss, Pleasure, Play, Connection and Prosperity is available
as we now clearly see the cosmic joke and dive into the
Choose your highest timeline
Start from where you are
Our Aligned to Manifest clients receive upgrades in every area of their lives
➵ Sovereignty & Purpose
➵ Passion & Pleasure
➵ New Earth Abundance & Money
➵ Relationships & Connection
➵ Expression & Creation
➵ Light Body Health & Healing
➵ Activation, Liberation, Integration, Embodiment & Remembrance through every aspect of life and way of BEING
This isn’t another surface level self-empowerment program.
This is the ticket to your Ultimate Life of Having It All,
beyond what your human brain ever thought was possible, Beloved!
Take your ticket and get on the ride!
Hi, I’m SunDari
The Alchemist of Light
also known as Marci Lock Mentor
... and I’m inviting you to join me and our soul family of New Earth Humans for a 9-month journey into your healing to create this life as your greatest adventure & love story, in your fullest expression, ultimate pleasure, play, joy, bliss, excitement and infinite abundance in your total liberation through your sovereignty.
Will you enter the sacred portal with us?
SunDari, The Alchemist of Light, and also known as Marci Lock Mentor is a stand for living life in bliss, liberation, and abundance now. She speaks from authentic experience and completely changed her own life and countless others. SunDari was a single mom working as a $2 per hour waitress in order to survive and care for her young boys when she embarked on the journey towards deprogramming, unlearning and de-story-ing her unconscious patterns.
SunDari’s growth and discoveries freed her and paved a path for others. She has coached some of the largest businesses and leaders in the world and was known as the ‘Million Dollar Mentor’ after clients invested up to $1M+ to work with her. Her previous 6-month masterminds used to go for 30-50 K per person.
This mastermind packs all that potency and more for a fraction of the investment, all because SunDari received this as a direct assignment from the Divine to serve the masses and lead them into the Golden Age and their Ultimate Liberation.
She utilizes a step-by-step process to transform lives from the inside out - rewriting unconscious commitments, beliefs, and programs and activating deep, life-changing upgrades. She’s a heart leader for humanity, and she is ready, willing, and able to guide you into your Ultimate Life of Having It All.
The Choice Is Yours, Beloved.
You no longer have to
remain trapped & struggling within the 3D programming
You can liberate yourself into 5D+ Consciousness
You no longer have to
Stay struggling within lack or scarcity
You can open up to unlimited New Earth Abundance
You no longer have to
Keep following “Have to's” or “Should's"
You can embrace the full freedom of your expression and your ultimate uniqueness
The Choice is Yours!
We invite you to join us now to enter into this sacred activation portal,
Enroll yourself into the Magic, Alchemy & Alignment to Your Greatest Life
Your Ultimate Life of Having It All Awaits
Transform Every Area of Your Life, Beloved
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when I
Do I need to have any experience doing this kind of work?
How do I know this is for me?
What happens when I sign up?
Is this sacred portal for both women and men?
What are the workouts and why are they included?
More testimonials from SunDari’s clients:
Still have questions?
Please, fill out an application. There’s a section where you can share additional comments or questions, and when you’re invited to a call with someone from SunDari’s team, you’ll be able to have all your questions answered at once.