There is No "TOO MUCH" in Your Wholeness w/Katerina Satori

The World is full of Leaders hiding because they are afraid they are “TOO MUCH” and at some point started believing it.   Why?  Because others noticed their BIG ENERGY and decided to label it as “MORE” then they could handle, because it didn’t fit in their tiny box of ways to BE and Experience Life.

Hiding and waiting for someday for it to BE safe and ok, or for the world or others to give you permission will just keep you in the self-made prison of Hiding.  Continuing to hide your TRUE Essence and not following your truth to live the life that calls you forth, IS A PRISON.

So life is not easier in hiding, although the illusion might have you think so, out of flow and sync with the Life you are called to is why Disfunction and Disease appear (Dis-ease, out of ease and flow with life) is created. Only you can give yourself your Freedom, and when you allow all of you to show up and expand into ALL that you ARE.  With this Greater Expansion and LIBERATION, You Magnetize ALL you WANT, You RECEIVE the REFLECTION of ALL You ARE.

The world is calling you forth to SHINE bigger and brighter than ever, to unapologetically express all you are and share your gifts and service. You are here to LEAD and you can only LEAD by LEADING yourself and giving yourself permission to BE all that you are here to BE.

Join SunDari – The Alchemist of Light / Marci Lock Mentor with the amazing and glorious Katerina Satori, as they dive into all there is to alchemize from hiding in your smallness to stepping into your Greatness.

For even more support in creating and living your Best Life, visit to access the FREE gift activation, The Ultimate Life of Having It All”, as well as coaching programs, meditations, activations and experiences to support you in creating the life you desire, including The Best Life Tribe, where you can access all the trainings, tools and support to get the results you are seeking. Follow Marci Lock for daily inspiration on Facebook or connect on Instagram @MarciLockMentor.

You can also get access to Marci’s new book, "The Awakened Being, Living in Liberation, Abundance & Bliss Right Now" at the along with all the extra bonus gifts it comes with. 

You are absolutely worthy of living life in Liberation, Abundance and Bliss Right Now!

The Power of Choice is Yours, Choose Your Best Life.