Is it Resistance or a Sign?

How do you know if what you are feeling is energy guiding you to alchemize and find the message in the mess, or if it’s resistance? Are you meant to go a different way or is that resistance just trying to keep you in your comfort zone and in fear? Remember that what is always on the other side of resistance is what you are meant to receive.

It’s time to stop the unnecessary hamster wheel of struggling and striving and to accept you are always fully supported and worthy.   What is right here for you to recognize right now is guiding you to receive even greater.

For even more support in creating and living your Best Life, visit to access the FREE gift activation, The Ultimate Life of Having It All”, as well as coaching programs, meditations, activations and experiences to support you in creating the life you desire, including The Best Life Tribe, where you can access all the trainings, tools and support to get the results you are seeking. Follow Marci Lock for daily inspiration on Facebook or connect on Instagram @MarciLockMentor.

You can also get access to Marci’s new book, "The Awakened Being, Living in Liberation, Abundance & Bliss Right Now" at the

You are absolutely worthy of living life in Liberation, Abundance and Bliss Right Now!

“The Power of Choice is Yours, Choose Your Best Life” – Marci Lock.