Birthday Reflections of How Much More You Can Receive

Birthdays are always a time for reflection, and as mine approached, I took the opportunity to look back on where I was a year ago. Tuning into my previous, smaller self allowed me to see my evolution and gave me this message to pass on to you: how can we receive more?

Tuning into what is here instead of what isn’t is absolutely the only way to invite more into your space. Gratitude for what you have in front of you and accepting it is how you become ready for more. These things are not on other people; the power is yours to attract what you desire and need.

Mastering your mindset and moving through fear is how you reach the next level of your consciousness, of your vibration. Understand your perceptions of situations and your feelings. You can choose bliss, happiness and fulfillment. Giving yourself permission to be the source of your own abundance is literally a choice you can make to enrich your life experience.

I used to be terrified of everything. Over time, I have learned to live in love with the unexpected and the adventure. It’s important to recognize and dissolve the old stories and associations that you have surrounding yourself and let your emotions flow. Holding the energy in and letting it stagnate only blocks your energy flow. Create new experiences and stories through the shift.

Honor yourself and be present in what you do. Living in a lack mindset will only keep you there.


Let Marci Lock be your guide: