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The Awakened Being: Living in Liberation, Abundance & Bliss Right Now

What is an awakened being? A being who is awake to all the joy, bliss, abundance, love, and pleasure that is available. Very few are living in a life they absolutely love. Instead, the “norm” is living in a state of settling and sacrificing in at least one or, often, many areas of life. We’re taught that success requires hard work and compromise, though the truth is that success is our birthright and our natural state of being.

The Awakened Being is your guide to creating the light, love, liberation, peace, and flow of life as your natural state and result in every area of life. It gives you the framework, action steps, and upgraded understandings along with the exact “how-to” tools to take you from where you are at, to an even greater awakened life of bliss.

The Awakened Being will guide you through the depths of your own transformation by dissolving the illusions and bringing light codes, context, and greater understanding that bridges the gap to each step of your path to your own liberation.

This is a map to shift, restructure, and reprogram your consciousness and way of operating that creates the alignment to a life you absolutely love. It leads you on a journey to your wholeness, where there are no longer limitations, parameters, judgments, or stories holding you back from everything you want and who you are meant to be - upgrading how you operate, moment by moment, consciously instead of unconsciously and reacting out of old programs you didn’t even know were running.

We are the source of our own experience, and our reality aligns to what we choose. We can choose love, bliss, pleasure, play, and even the luxury available to be fully supported by life.

What People Are Saying:

Amazing, must read! After following Marci for over 4 years and being mentored under some of her programs, buying her book was an absolute must. She has an amazing way of seeing through surface perceptions to the the truth, love and light behind it all. This book is a guide that teaches the steps to start “innerstanding” and contemplating the real truth behind sabotaging beliefs that can keep you stuck in a repetitive cycle of low energy. I absolutely love this book and there’s no way I wouldn’t have it in my library of must reads!

Nancy Tatum

The world needs more of this! I love this BOOK!! I’m actually buying multiples as gifts. The author very clearly provides the 5 Steps that are a road map for the reader to heal, and then up level. Many books cover surface level self help, but this empowers the reader to go as deep as they are WILLING to go. In other words, you will get as much out of this book as you are willing to put into yourSELF. The only person that can truly heal you is YOU, this just makes it easier. This Awakened Being could work for adults, teens, men and women. We all could learn more on unconditional love. I can’t recommend it enough. Thank you Sundari, for sharing your genius.

Jennifer Brooke

Life Changing! Amazing Book of Heart! This is a life changer! Awesome book for anyone at any level on their Remembrance of Self journey. Marci's shares her amazing journey of self transformation and healing and gives the reader the tools to do the same. The 5 steps are simplistic, easy to integrate, and highly effective if you are sincerely open to creating change in your life. This book will take you on a journey of self discovery that will be the awakening of a whole new life in every realm. If you are in a place of asking questions, desiring change or have that inner yearning for your life to be different, then I highly recommend this book as a tool to "create the change you wish to see in You and the World".
