From the minute you open your eyes...
you have an opportunity to code into the field of energy around you everything you want to experience...
What most people do is wake up and unconsciously re-connect to their limitations,..
... beliefs
... stories
... programs
and re-wire themselves that this is who they are,..
That this is their life experience...
That this is all that is possible...
All within seconds and minutes of waking up. ..
This Activation Changes what is possible...
As I wake up today, is both a waking meditation and activation in one...
that gives direction to your body, mind, and energy as to exactly what it will experience, create and receive that day....
It at the same time, encodes new beliefs into your system about life, people, abundance, creation...
and powerfully puts out a frequency and declarations to the world of exactly what you are choosing to align to, attract and receive for the day and for your life....
This is a powerful tool we recommend you push play on as you wake up, and allow it to guide you to energetically grid the day ahead of you...
and align your life to the joy, bliss, peace, prosperity, magic and miracles that are everywhere and in everything...
This is one of the favorites of The Best Life Tribe Community as well as SunDari’s, that she still uses when she wakes up everyday...
Enjoy this powerful gift to start living everyday the life you truly deserve and desire...